Bryan Chavis

SpecialityMultifamily Real Estate

Bryan has spent over a decade in the multi family industry where he helped to manage/operate several apartment communities consisting of thousand of rental units. Bryan was also a (CAM), Certified Apartment Manager instructor for the National Apartment Association.

As a consultant/coach Bryan has one awards for agencies such a the Tampa Housing Authority he has also helped develop landlord training programs for The City of Tampa.

His bestselling books, Buy It, Rent It, Profit and The Landlord Entrepreneur, are considered essential guides for investors looking to build lasing wealth through multifamily real estate and property

While at the helm of his private equity and asset management firm Chavis Capital he also cofounded Buy It, Rent It, Profit Education and Bryan Chavis Coaching & Consulting a global leader in consulting, coaching and training for Multifamily investors, landlords, asset managers & property managers.

Under Bryan’s leadership, these companies have developed one of the industry’s most recognized property management certifications, which has trained more than 100,000 investors to date. Bryan has also captivated audiences across the county as an in-demand speaker.

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by Bryan Chavis

The Summit is put on by the Black Professionals Netwok (BPN) a 501C3 social learning organization focused on furthering the goals of our professionals. Our mission is simple – reduce the career achievemnet gap for professionals of color by providing them access to resources and opportunities for their overall success.