Suzan McDowell

SpecialityFounder & CEO of Circle of One Marketing

Born Jamerican, Suzan McDowell is the Founder, President & CEO of Circle of One
Marketing, a Miami based minority owned fullservice marketing agency, with
expertise in African American and Caribbean markets. Suzan has spent her
professional career in marketing and media, making her clients popular”. She brings
a wealth of experience in conceptualizing and executing successful marketing and
promotional campaigns in local, national, and international markets. She has built
brands like the incredibly successful Jazz in the Gardens and OneUnited Bank, the
largest Black owned bank in America, among hundreds of other high profile, high
impact clients and projects. Her public relations and event management efficacy and
expansive network is well documented throughout South Florida and well beyond.

McDowell is a true visionary, a natural comedian, a wordsmith with a lot of words,
frequently tangential, has twice rappelled down 19 floors to raise money for under
privileged kids and, most importantly, she is the proud mother of her polar opposite,
Sydney Alicia, her surprisingly calm and welladjusted daughter.

Personal motto: The one who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the One
doing it”